Friday, January 15, 2016

SD So Far

Until recently, I've been very fortunate to have experienced mild weather. When I meet new people, (which happens everywhere we go cuz Joe knows everyone), they all ask the same question - "how do you like it here so far?" I usually say I'm adjusting to the cold which always gets a laugh.

I have heard from many people that -20 is common for winter, that this winter has been unusual and that these temps normally last months. Luckily, I have only seen a small handful of below zero days so far but we're expected to get several more over the next week. Maybe I just need to get acclimated but I can't help but wonder how people live here! Joe, for example, gets up every morning at 6 and, regardless of the temps, goes out to feed the cows. When he comes back home, his face is ice cold. His layers keep him fairly warm and protected, thank goodness, but still.

I grew up in southern CA where winter meant a few days of rain and temps in the 70s. If we wanted snow, we went to the mountains. I can even remember really warm Christmases, with temps in the 80s and a/c on full blast.

Moving to Bellingham 15 years ago must have been God's way of preparing me for SD winters. There, I got to experience single digit winters and nor'easter winds. Although I wasn't there for the "silver thaw" of the 90s, I had never lived in such a cold place. Until now.

Thank goodness for REI online!