Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Moving On

A few years ago, I began writing my first blog, Growing a Grown Up as a way to process the death of my best friend.  It became a source of enlightenment and healing. 

When I embarked on that journey, I had no idea what was in store.  In some blogs, I held onto hope. In others, I cried out of sadness and loneliness.  I tried to remain faithful no matter what, believing that the life I had lived to that point was not all there was.  With time and change, a new adventure began.

I met the farmer in August 2014. It was by chance (not really) that our paths crossed the way they did. At no other time and under no other circumstances would we have met were it not for the path laid by God. My first blog is proof of that. 

My journey has taken a twist. That is the reason why I leave my first blog behind and begin a brand new one. No sense putting new wine into old wine skins, right? 

I now present to you - the farmer and his bride.

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