Thursday, December 3, 2015

2 Months In

Well, we made it to #2 and still have a lot to learn about married life.

Now that the farmer is done with harvest, we've been working on projects. The spare bedroom was completed and is ready for guests! The vegetable garden has been cleared out, just in time for freezing weather. We froze about 15lbs of carrots which should last 'til spring. As of today, all of my furniture has been moved into the house from the garage. They're not operational but at least they're inside. Once our new mattress is delivered, we may be sleeping in our room before the new year. I can't believe I'm actually excited at the idea of that. Truth be told, I'm ready to unpack my clothes and put them in my dresser. I'm beyond box surfing.

I came with a limited amount of Christmas decorations but Joe had none. There is so much I would love to do with the house but that will come in time, I hope. We've received some lovely ornaments so I'm hoping we'll have a tree soon.

So far, married life has been surreal and the transition has been fairly smooth. Having never been married before, I didn't know what to expect but it has been seamless. Joe is a solid guy who is as consistent and unpretentious as they come. In many ways, he is the answer to prayers. I just never thought that answer would wear bib overalls and drive a tractor. 

God has a sense of humor, indeed!d

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