Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Year, New Hope

2020 has finally arrived!  Along with it comes significant changes. I sure hope I'm ready for this.

My trip to Mayo resulted in ZERO information. Yes, they couldn't find out what was wrong with me. I continue to have chest and throat tightness, nausea and heart issues yet after numerous tests and doctors, they had no answers for me.  So frustrating! 

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  There is a reason Joe came along when he did and I moved to SoDak. If I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have met Julie who referred me to Ron Passmore, a naturopath. On 1/2, I met with him at his Huron office. After explaining the past year, he asked questions and ran tests. It took him 2.5 hours to determine that I have a severe wheat allergy.
The issues I've had turned out to be anaphylaxis - my body's allergic reaction to what it considers toxins which are the proteins found in wheat.

According to Mayo's info on wheat allergies, I've experienced most of what was listed. That floored me! No one else figured that out so for a year, I have had allergic reactions to wheat and never knew it. When I think about how my body has suffered, I cry. My heart has worked very hard to keep the rest of me going. My liver fought to clean out the toxic wheat but got close to quitting.  My stomach leaked the proteins because it couldn't handle it anymore. No wonder I had a heart attack! 

I will have to re-do the way I eat and avoid wheat, oats, rye, barley, quinoa, chia seeds, any product that has wheat protein or derivative.  I feel overwhelmed at the moment but I am determined to give this a try.  I have to get better. I have to heal my body.  I have to get rid of the old way and adapt to a new way of living. Easier said than done but it is possible.  If this is the answer I have searched for, then I must do all I can to change. My life depends on it.

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